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Downloadable Brochures
Basic Wills
We offer a range of will services, from straightforward wills, to tailored solicitor-led wills. You can view our services and make an educated decision about what will is right for you. If you need further advice, or are unsure which one to go with, get in touch. We’re here to help.
An Explanation on Trust Wills
At Hannah Solicitors, we understand that thinking about your Will and where to leave your assets can be stressful requiring careful consideration and so time consuming. We can help safeguard your interests and give you peace of mind by offering expertly drafted will services to clients in need.
Lasting Power of Attorney
We all make thousands of decisions each day, from what to wear, what to eat, where to go and what to do. However, have you ever thought about what will happen if you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself? Who will make the decisions on your behalf?
Declaration of Trust
A Declaration of Trust is something you’ll come across when you’re planning to buy a property with someone else, or with the support of another person. It’s a legal document (AKA a Deed of Trust) which records the financial arrangements between everyone who has a financial interest in the property.
Property Ownership: Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common
In any case of joint ownership, one has to choose as to the type of ownership whether you buy, inherit or become a trustee of a property for someone else. The type of ownership does affect what you can do with the property.