Sexual Offences
Sexual offences can be both physically and emotionally detrimental to victims. At Hannah Solicitors, we handle all cases regarding sexual offences with the utmost care and compassion.
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Sexual Offences
There are a number of types of sexual offences, including:
Sexual assault
Sexual offences against children
Indecent images
Historical sexual offences
Rape, including date rape, is defined by Section 1 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 as sexual assault involving intentional intercourse or penetration to an individual who has not given consent.
Despite the fact that any gender can be a victim of rape, only males can face rape charges, though females can be charged with secondary charges for their involvement if such an offence is committed.
If a person is charged with rape, they will face trial by jury at a Crown Court due to the severity of the offence.
Rape can carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
In cases involving date rape, the key element is not about whether any sexual contact has occurred, but rather whether or not consent was issued, and how it was allegedly obtained.
Sexual assault
Sexual assault is a very serious and complex offence, which carries varying sentences based on the individual circumstances. Depending on the severity of different offences, these cases can be tried at both Magistrate’s Court and Crown Court.
A more serious charge of sexual assault will be subject to trial by jury, and can carry a sentence of up to 10 years.
Sexual offences against children
These offences are incredibly serious, and some cases may carry long custodial sentences.
As each case varies in circumstances and severity, there’s no guaranteed result. Seek legal advice if you are facing allegations or charges.
Indecent images
The laws surrounding indecent photographs is complex, and potential charges and/or sentences largely depend on whether you were in possession of the images, how you obtained them, and what you did or intended to do with them.
There are give different levels of offences relating to indecent images, with one being the most minor type of offence, and five being the most severe. In some cases, conviction could carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
Historical sexual offences
These offences refer to when the defendant is prosecuted many years after the incident allegedly took place.
The delay in the alleged victim reporting the offence will not impact the nature or severity of the case. The law imposes no time limit as to when an allegation may be reported.