Right of Abode
The right of abode means you have the unconditional right to work and reside in the UK. All British citizens automatically have the right of abode, as well as some Commonwealth citizens. You will not be subject to immigration restrictions if you have this right.
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Right of Abode
British citizens:
All British citizens automatically have the right of abode, as well as some Commonwealth citizens. You will not be subject to immigration restrictions if you have this right.
Commonwealth citizens:
You will have the right of abode if you meet the following criteria:
At least one parent was born in the UK and a UK citizen at the time of your birth
You can prove you were a Commonwealth citizen on 31 December 1982
You can show you never ceased to be a Commonwealth citizen at any point from 31 December 1982
Female Commonwealth citizens may have the right of abode through marriage, as long as you meet the following criteria:
You have been married to someone with right of abode since before 1 January 1983
You can show you never ceased to be a Commonwealth citizen at any point from 31 December 1982
You may not have the right of abode if your spouse has another wife who is still alive, and they have lived or is still living in the UK since their marriage and holds proof of entitlement to right of abode.
There are certain exemptions based on when you were married and when you arrived to the UK. We can talk you through your circumstances and let you know whether or not you have the right of abode.